
Showing posts from August, 2019

How to Start an Online Store That Drives Sales

Image The best platform for starting an online store is Shopify . That’s what we use for all of our ecommerce websites. Creating your online store, is just 1 of 6 critical steps, which this guide will take you through in detail. Start your free trial with Shopify today and create your online store in just minutes. There’s a bunch of things to think about when starting an online store : What tool do you build your store with? What do you name your company and how do you get a domain? Do you dropship or not? How do you deal with taxes? All of these are important decisions. For now, one thing matters more than anything else to get your first sale. What’s that one thing? Your marketing. That’s right, how you choose to market your store completely determines how much money you’ll make. Get the marketing right, everything else falls into place. Get it wrong or neglect it, you’ll spend years on your store without selling a single item. There’s 6 Steps to Starti...

How to Start a Blog in 12 Easy Steps

Image I started my first blog to avoid getting a job. I’m completely serious. I was coming to the end of my undergraduate degree in international affairs and the thought of getting a job at the state department or in journalism sounded like a horrible idea. So I learned how to start a blog and built one on international affairs with the hopes of eventually monetizing it and supporting myself. That didn’t really work out as planned. Hah. But it did lead to a career in online marketing and now I do work on blogs to avoid having a real job. Whether you’re trying to avoid a job entirely or trying to quit your current job, starting a blog is a reliable path to supporting yourself and your family. It takes a lot of work and some time but it is a well-traveled path at this point. It’s not nearly as crazy as it was when I started. I’m going to walk you through the 12 steps to start a blog, which are particularly useful for beginners who have never done this before. N...

How to Create a Website

Image Creating a website used to be a massive project. And expensive too. Everything had to be built by hand and businesses needed to work with an online marketing agency that would charge them tens of thousands of dollars to build the site. If you wanted a professional-looking site, that was your only option. Things have gotten a lot cheaper over the years. Now it’s possible to get a polished site for less than $100. About $10 to buy the domain, $30–60 for a good template, and $5–10/month to host it. It’ll look so good that people won’t even realize that you built it yourself. It’ll look like some high-flying marketing agency built it for you. Not only has it gotten cheaper, it’s also gotten a lot easier. I’ve broken down the 9 simple steps to create your website from scratch. You’ll easily be able to run through these steps over the next 120 minutes. Step 1: Pick a name and find a domain for your website These are not two separate steps, unfortunately. I ...

2019 SiteGround cPanel Tutorial

Image SiteGround has one of the top reputations in the web hosting industry. Over 2 million domains are hosted on the platform. That’s one of the many reasons why SiteGround made my list of the top web hosting services on the market today. For those of you who are new to hosting your website with SiteGround, you might be wondering how to navigate your dashboard. Fortunately, if you read any SiteGround web hosting reviews , you’ll quickly learn that the platform is very user-friendly. SiteGround uses cPanel, which is a highly responsive web-based control panel that’s used for managing your settings and account. cPanel runs on Linux and is extremely versatile. It’s where you’ll customize your site and web hosting needs. SiteGround cPanel is well designed so anyone can use it, regardless of their technical skill level. With cPanel, you’ll be able to do things like: Install WordPress (or another CMS) Back up your site Review resource usage Make changes to your ...