The Best Cheap Web Hosting Everyone loves to get a great deal. That’s why it’s worth it to shop around to get the best possible rate for web hosting. However, finding the cheapest web hosting plans isn’t always easy. It’s common practice in the web hosting industry for providers to advertise really low introductory rates. But in order to get the lowest possible monthly rate, you’ll have to pay up-front and in-full for at least a year. Basically, the longer your contract terms are and the more you pay upfront, the cheaper your monthly rates will be. It’s also worth noting that your rates could double or even triple when it comes time to renew your plan. The best price will always be for your first contract. So you can’t just take the advertised rates at face value. What might sound like affordable web hosting initially, could end up costing you much more than you anticipated. The word “cheap” doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone. A friend of yours could recommend a hosting plan tha...