Best Credit Cards for Startups in 2020 Getting a business credit card is one of the first things you should do when launching a startup . In most cases, this credit card will be the primary method of paying company expenses. From daily purchases like ink or paper to flights, hotels, and your phone subscription, charging a credit card is your best option. That’s because the best business credit cards offer exceptional benefits like cash back, rewards points, and travel miles. Some company credit cards can provide purchase insurance as well as supplementary coverage for car rentals. You can even use a low-interest credit card to finance purchases if struggling to qualify for a small business loan . With so many business credit cards to choose from, it can be tough to find the best option for your startup, which is what inspired me to create this guide. The 8 Best Credit Cards For Startups in 2020 In a market flooded with hundreds of business credit cards, there are eight that I would recommend f...